Keto smoked salmon appetizer

Keto smoked salmon appetizer

Creamy with hint of smoky, fresh goodness, this salmon appetizer is the perfect start to a date night, a cocktail party, or just a Monday night. Delicious, plus keto, plus surprisingly simple to pull together – that all adds up to irresistible.

Keto smoked salmon appetizer

Creamy with hint of smoky, fresh goodness, this salmon appetizer is the perfect start to a date night, a cocktail party, or just a Monday night. Delicious, plus keto, plus surprisingly simple to pull together – that all adds up to irresistible.
6 servingservings


  • 7 oz. 200 g smoked salmon
  • 8 oz. (1 cup) 230 g (240 ml) cream cheese
  • 13 cup 80 ml mayonnaise
  • ¼ cup (110 oz.) 60 ml (2.25 g) chopped fresh dill or fresh chives
  • ½ ½ lemon, the zestlemons, the zest
  • ¼ tsp ¼ tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 oz. (1½ cups) 55 g (350 ml) lettuce for serving
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Instructions are for 6 servings. Please modify as needed.

  1. Cut the salmon into small, uniform pieces.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, and let sit for 15 minutes to let the flavors to develop. Serve on a small lettuce leaf.


This salmon appetizer is incredibly versatile. Try serving it up on pieces of thinly sliced and toasted low carb bread, or on a seed cracker. There are even more veggie options too! For fun, try it with other crunchy vegetables like sliced cucumber, bell pepper, or pea pods. Crudité and salmon? Oh, yeah.

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  1. Pat Lafuente
    It was absolutely delicious and so easy and quick to make. I cut a lovely ripe tomato like a flower, and put the salmon on top and had it for lunch. It looked beautiful and was so good that I´m repeating the same thing for lunch today. I can't wait to have people over for dinner so I can have this as a first course.
  2. Sarah Hart
    This is lovely, far nicer than such a simple recipe would suggest.

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