Down 100 pounds thanks to low carb and intermittent fasting
Mark has lost 100 pounds (45 kg) and gotten rid of his high blood pressure with a low-carb diet and intermittent fasting. And he continues to experiment with his low-carb lifestyle. Now he’s getting leaner with only one workout per week:
Dear Dr. Eenfeldt,
After seeing your recent tweet regarding success stories w/ LCHF, I felt compelled to send you a pic of my transformation. From the 290s (132 kg) down to the 190s (86 kg). No more HBP meds!
I started low carb in Nov ’16 (discovered sometime around the first of the year)
I began intermittent fasting in April ’17
I have been weight stable since October ’17
I have been playing around with different LCHF/keto/IF approaches recently and slowly whittling my weight down, while gaining muscle (only ONE workout per week), and getting leaner.Again, thank you for all the work that you and the Diet Doctor team do!
Congratulations Mark and thank you for sharing your story :-) It’s always inspiring to hear from other keto nerds who like experimenting!
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