Keto crispy chicken with creamy dijon lemon dressing

Keto crispy chicken with creamy dijon lemon dressing

If you're a fan of juicy and flavorful chicken, you will love this satisfyingly filling keto salad. The secret in this recipe is the dressing that combines the fat and juices from the chicken. The combination of spicy Dijon mustard and the freshness of lemon juice will surprise and delight your taste buds. Editor's note: In 2020, this recipe was one of the top 10 most popular Diet Doctor recipes. We hope you love it as well!

Keto crispy chicken with creamy dijon lemon dressing

If you're a fan of juicy and flavorful chicken, you will love this satisfyingly filling keto salad. The secret in this recipe is the dressing that combines the fat and juices from the chicken. The combination of spicy Dijon mustard and the freshness of lemon juice will surprise and delight your taste buds. Editor's note: In 2020, this recipe was one of the top 10 most popular Diet Doctor recipes. We hope you love it as well!
4 servingservings


  • 213 lbs 1.1 kg chicken thighs (bone-in with skin)
  • 3 tbsp 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp 2 tbsp Italian seasoning
  • ½ tbsp ½ tbsp salt
  • ½ tbsp ½ tbsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tsp 2 tsp garlic powder
Dijon lemon dressing
  • Drippings from the chicken
  • ¼ cup 60 ml olive oil
  • ½ ½ lemon, juice and zestlemons, juice and zest
  • ½ tbsp ½ tbsp Dijon mustard
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • 3 (12 oz.) 3 (350 g) tomato, cut into wedgestomatoes, cut into wedges
  • 4 cups (8 oz.) 950 ml (220 g) leafy greens
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  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (200°C).
  2. Toss chicken thighs in olive oil and coat with seasonings.
  3. Place the chicken thighs skin-side up on a broiler pan, or in a baking dish on the upper-middle rack. Bake for 40 minutes or until juices run clear and the chicken thighs are golden brown and crispy. Save the juices from the chicken for the Dijon lemon dressing.
  4. Dijon lemon dressing

  5. Add all of the dressing ingredients into a mixing bowl, plus the juices from the baked chicken. Whisk together until emulsified. Another option is to use a container with a tight lid, and shake it until the dressing becomes a creamy consistency.
  6. Serving

  7. Serve the crispy chicken thighs with the tomatoes and leafy greens on the side, and drizzle dressing over the top of the meal.

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  1. 1 comment removed
  2. Karen
    What is Italian seasoning?
    Reply: #3
  3. Kathleen

    What is Italian seasoning?

    It is a mixture of dried herbs and spices, such as can be found here:

  4. Charlene
    Or at your local supermarket in your baking/spice isle.
  5. Adriana DiGioia
    I am a diet dr subscriber. Is this in addition to my paid for subscription or is this part of it? Is this something new? Please advise thank you. Adriana DiGioia
    Reply: #6
  6. Crystal Pullen Team Diet Doctor

    I am a diet dr subscriber. Is this in addition to my paid for subscription or is this part of it? Is this something new? Please advise thank you. Adriana DiGioia

    There are no additional fees for any of our content or programs beyond your Diet Doctor Plus subscription fee.

  7. megan.tch
    This is my go-to yummy chicken recipe. I only cook meat in the bbq because I have a vegan partner (so no cooking meat in the house). This recipe cooks up perfectly on my cast iron grill-friendly pan! It's crispy, easy and super yummy! I love the dijon sauce. I was vegetarian / plant-based for over 20 years, but after recurring c-diff infections, I ended up with IBS. After 4 years of working with a dietician, gastroenterologist and my GP, keto / low carb is the only way I've found to eat without pain. It was hard to start cooking more animal products again, but recipes like these make it easy to be excited about it! This website has been invaluable! Thank you!
    Reply: #8
  8. Kerry Merritt Team Diet Doctor

    This is my go-to yummy chicken recipe. I only cook meat in the bbq because I have a vegan partner (so no cooking meat in the house). This recipe cooks up perfectly on my cast iron grill-friendly pan! It's crispy, easy and super yummy! I love the dijon sauce. I was vegetarian / plant-based for over 20 years, but after recurring c-diff infections, I ended up with IBS. After 4 years of working with a dietician, gastroenterologist and my GP, keto / low carb is the only way I've found to eat without pain. It was hard to start cooking more animal products again, but recipes like these make it easy to be excited about it! This website has been invaluable! Thank you!

    Thanks for sharing, Megan! So glad you're enjoying the recipes!

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