Creamy low carb chicken, kale and cauliflower soup

Creamy low carb chicken, kale and cauliflower soup

This soup is not only delicious, fragrant, and refreshing but it's also appealing to the eye! It's easily pulled together from pantry and freezer basics making it a quick and easy recipe. Better yet, it can easily be adapted to your needs or available ingredients. A truly versatile soup!

Creamy low carb chicken, kale and cauliflower soup

This soup is not only delicious, fragrant, and refreshing but it's also appealing to the eye! It's easily pulled together from pantry and freezer basics making it a quick and easy recipe. Better yet, it can easily be adapted to your needs or available ingredients. A truly versatile soup!
6 servingservings


Kale soup
  • 10 oz. 280 g kale or frozen spinach, thawed and drained
  • 3 tbsp 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 oz. (23 cup) 110 g (160 ml) yellow onion, finely choppedyellow onions, finely chopped
  • 1¾ oz. (½ cup) 50 g (130 ml) fresh ginger, finely minced
  • 2 2 garlic clove, finely choppedgarlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 1 lb 450 g cauliflower, chopped into smaller pieces
  • 10 oz. (1¼ cups) 280 g (290 ml) cream cheese
  • 2 tsp 2 tsp salt
  • ½ tsp ½ tsp ground black pepper
  • 4 cups 950 ml chicken broth
  • 1 lb 450 g cooked chicken breast, shredded
  • 2 oz. 55 g kale, frozen
  • 5 tsp 5 tsp olive oil
  • 4 tbsp 4 tbsp pumpkin seedspumpkins seeds
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  1. Remove the kale from the freezer and set aside in a strainer in the sink to thaw. Leave to drain until you are ready to use it. Portion off the required kale to be used as a garnish.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a big pot then add onion, ginger, garlic, and cauliflower. Sauté for a couple of minutes until the onion is soft and cauliflower is tender.
  3. Add the cream cheese, salt, pepper, and lower the heat to medium, stirring until the cheese has melted down.
  4. Squeeze the excess moisture from the kale and add to the pot. Add the chicken broth, mix until smooth with a hand mixer or in a food processor.
  5. Return the soup to high heat until just boiling and then reduce heat to a simmer for 10 minutes. Add the chicken. Taste and add extra seasonings accordingly.


  1. While your soup simmers, place the reserved kale and olive oil into a small food processor and blitz until it forms a puree.
  2. Toast the pumpkin seeds in a dry pan until golden. Serve the soup drizzled with the kale puree and scattered with toasted pumpkin seeds.

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  1. Rob
    This cauliflower and chicken soup with Kale is looking a super. That's for that.
  2. Alexandra
    Is there a way to see serving size in mls or grams?
    Reply: #3
  3. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Is there a way to see serving size in mls or grams?

    We don't usually list the serving size because that is highly dependent on how much or how little a dish reduces down as it cooks. This is especially true with soups. You can view the ingredients in metric measurements using the toggle above the list of ingredients.

  4. 1 comment removed
  5. Mary
    Half a cup of minced ginger? I'm choosing to disobey here. That seems like a "pretty real whole lotta" ginger. Is that right?
    This came out pretty good. I added a one inch piece of ginger, not the half cup amount and that did the trick. Satisfying lunch with a bit of chicken on the side. It's good, even on a summer day!
  6. Mary
    Still working on this batch of soup and it is better everyday. Better extended and diluted with a rich beef stock. I just add water and more bouillion and beef chunks as necessary and heat in the crock pot to keep it going. Lately, I've been getting nighttime leg cramps so I zeroed in on daily soup and or broth with salt. It's a keeper!
    Reply: #7
  7. Kristin Parker Team Diet Doctor

    Still working on this batch of soup and it is better everyday. Better extended and diluted with a rich beef stock. I just add water and more bouillion and beef chunks as necessary and heat in the crock pot to keep it going. Lately, I've been getting nighttime leg cramps so I zeroed in on daily soup and or broth with salt. It's a keeper!

    I hope your leg cramps aren't too bad. You may find the tips in this guide to be helpful.

  8. Andrea
    Really good but too much ginger. A little too spicy for the kids. I recommend 1/4 of the recommended portion.

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