LCHF for type 1 diabetes?

Woman Checking Blood Sugar Level At Home

Lots of people realize that low-carb works wonders for type 2 diabetes. But what about type 1 diabetes?

This is a completely different kind of disease, and yet many people find that the same LCHF diet works really well for type 1 diabetes too, dramatically lowering insulin requirements and allowing a much more stable and easily controlled blood sugar. And it actually makes perfect sense.

We interviewed two people with type 1 diabetes on the recent cruise who have revolutionized their health eating LCHF. These interviews will be posted as soon as they are edited. We’re also going to write much more on the topic later.

If you’re interested in reading more right away check out this new blog post by Dr. Jason Fung: LCHF for Type 1 Diabetes. Or read my earlier posts on it.


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