Nolawiheir Tickheir

Nolawiheir Tickheir, MD


I am a medical doctor based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. I am a member of a global network of healthcare professionals who use the LCHF diet to treat patients struggling with obesity, poor metabolic health, diabetes and hypertension. By using my knowledge and experience with the LCHF intervention, I have been able to provide my patients with a personalized treatment plan that has enabled them to lose excess weight and live free of medication, allowing them to reclaim their vitality and enhance their quality of life. For the past few years I have followed the LCHF diet myself and have seen incredible results -- including reversing my own pre-diabetic state. I was also successful in winning my life-long battle with obesity, which I had struggled with since childhood. --- በ ስኳር ህመም የደም ግፊት እና አላግባብ የሰውነት ክብደት እንዲሁም ቦርጭ ከ ተቸገሩ በ ሳይንስ የተደገፈ ፍቱን መፍትሄ አለ :: ደውለው ቀጠሮ ያስይዙ:: ዶ/ር ኖላዊሄር ኃይሉ


  • Doctor of Medicine


  • General medicine


  • Diet Doctor/PIM Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction CME
  • Nutrition Network Professional Training in LCHF/Ketogenic Nutrition & Treatment

Contact information

Ethiopian Federal Police Hospital
Ras Mekonen Ave, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia