Michelle McKenzie

Michelle McKenzie, RN


After following the recommended dietary advice for Type-1 diabeties, it became apparent that the advice given conflicts with what diabetes actually is: carbohydrate intolerance. I returned to university and studied Human Nutrition and in 2016 an abstract of my research on low carbohydrate diets and diabetes was published by Cambridge Journals. I provide individualised dietary therapy for a wide variety of clients. It’s not just diabetics who benefit from a low carb lifestyle, most health conditions can be greatly improved or better still, prevented.


  • Registered Nurse


  • Nutrition
  • Non-prescribing healthcare provider

Contact information

Shine Holistic and Hastings Home Clinic
52 Church Street, London, UK

Hastings Home Clinic
29 Tackleway Hastings, United Kingdom, TN34 3DA