Haraldo Falcao

Haraldo Falcao, MD


As a critical care physician, I always wanted ways to prevent critical illness. For me it was clear that the nutritional domain was fundamental. Serendipitously, while looking for better comprehension about metabolic aspects of diseases by studying classic papers on clinical nutrition, I was introduced to a whole new world of low-carb approaches. Everything made sense. Nowadays, I prescribe low-carb/keto strategies in hospital practice (epilepsy control, chronic lung disease, mitochondriopathies) as well as in outpatient settings for the control of insulin resistance. I also follow the diet in my private life, for me and my family.


  • Doctor of Medicine


  • Internal medicine
  • Critical care Medicine
  • Clinical Nutrition & Nutrition Therapy

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Rio de Janeiro, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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