Hans Van Kuijk

Hans Van Kuijk, MD


I am a practicing low-carb sports and exercise physician in The Netherlands and a member of Diet Doctor for many years. I’ve been living a low-carb lifestyle myself since January 2015, most of the time ketogenic. I do sports medicine at two hospital locations, with a strong lifestyle focus. Together with the GP’s in my home village Leende I started the project GezondDorp (“VitalVillage”) in 2016. The program, which has gained national attention, focuses on low-carb nutrition, healthy movement, relaxation and socializing, good sleep.


  • Doctor of Medicine


  • Sports medicine

Contact information

St. Anna Ziekenhuis /TopSupport
5644 RX Eindhoven, Netherlands

More information

https://www.st-anna.nl/ , http://gezonddorp.nl/