What you need to know about nitrates and nitrites

Do you worry about eating foods containing nitrates and nitrites, such as cured or processed meat like bacon, ham, and salami? Have you heard they may cause cancer?

Are you confused by reports that these compounds, also found naturally in many vegetables, can also be good for you?

This guide will help you sort through the confusion and sift the facts from fears surrounding nitrates and nitrites.

The good news is that these days you don’t need to worry too much about them in your diet, and indeed they may even be beneficial to your health. Read on to understand why.

What are nitrates and nitrites?

Nitrates and nitrites are natural compounds made up of nitrogen and oxygen. The difference is in their chemical structure. Nitrates contain one nitrogen and three oxygen molecules (NO3). Nitrites have one nitrogen and two oxygen molecules (NO2).

In the body, there is a nitrate -> nitrite -> nitric oxide pathway which means a nitrate can turn into a nitrite, which can turn into nitric oxide (NO).1

While nitrates are fairly stable, nitrites and nitric oxide are not. Under certain conditions — such as high-heat cooking — nitrites/nitric oxide can sometimes convert to compounds called nitrosamines. These are the ones that give nitrates their bad rap.

What can be confusing is that nitrates and nitrites have potential positive effects in the body.2 However, their by-products, nitrosamines, have been deemed probable carcinogens, meaning that with repeated, high-level exposure they may cause cells to turn cancerous.3


Nitrates and nitrites are chemical compounds found commonly in nature with potentially beneficial health effects. Through various reactions, nitrates/nitrites may convert to compounds called nitrosamines, which have potentially harmful health effects.

Sources of nitrates and nitrites

Nitrates/nitrites are found naturally in our bodies, including in saliva, the gut, and throughout our circulatory system.

In our body, the nitrate -> nitrite -> nitric oxide pathway is involved in cell signaling, blood pressure regulation and the functioning of the digestive system.4

We regularly encounter nitrates/nitrites from vegetables, processed foods, cured meats, cheese, drinking water, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, rubber, air pollution, and cigarette smoke.5

For more than two thousand years, human cultures, including the ancient Romans and Chinese, have added nitrates/nitrites to cured meats and other foods to preserve them, to add flavor, or to prevent having the food oxidize and turn brown. Have you heard of saltpeter? That was one of the most common forms of nitrate/nitrite added throughout history.6

Processed meats like bacon, ham, hotdogs, and cold cuts often get criticized for being significant sources of nitrates/nitrites. However, in recent years, new curing processes have greatly diminished the active nitrate levels in these products. One of these techniques includes adding vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which inhibits the creation of nitrosamines.

Now the average person’s exposure from cured meat is only about 6% of all sources.7 You may be surprised that 85% of the nitrates and 30% of the nitrites you eat come from fresh fruit and vegetables.8


Nitrates and nitrites are found naturally in the human body, soil, water, fruits, and vegetables. They are also added to meats and processed foods as a preservative and to enhance flavor and color. In recent years, the amount of nitrates/nitrites in cured meats has been reduced substantially by new curing processes.

How did we come to fear nitrates and nitrites?

How did nitrates and nitrites get such a bad rap?

It was known by the 1940s and ‘50s that very high concentrations of nitrates and nitrites in drinking water, such as the contamination of well water around farms, could be deadly to fish, animals, and young children.9

The possible safety concerns around added nitrates/nitrites in processed meat grew over decades, starting in the 1970s, when experts suggested that nitrites converting to nitrosamines might be linked to oral and gastric cancers.10

In the following decades, animal and lab studies furthered the concern about the possible cancer-causing nature of nitrosamines.11

However, human epidemiologic and observational studies over those years were inconsistent; for those that did show an association, the impact was very small – almost negligible.

In an attempt to clarify risk, a meta-analysis of observational studies was performed and found no association between nitrate/nitrite exposure and the majority of examined cancers. Gastric cancer was actually found to be less common with increasing exposure, while thyroid cancers and brain gliomas were 1.5 and 1.2 times more common, respectively.12

In 2015, however, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, classified processed meats as “carcinogenic” (and red meat as “probably carcinogenic”) in humans.

As Diet Doctor’s Guide to red meat notes, with such low hazard ratios, it’s difficult to exclude other factors that may have impacted the results, such as sugar consumption, alcohol intake, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, etc. This is called the healthy user bias.13

Since 2015, many in the scientific community have criticized the IARC decision. Most critics have noted that the strength of the evidence is weak but, even assuming that there is an association, the magnitude of the effect would be extremely small.14 Unfortunately, the classification scheme used does not take that fact into account.15

A 2019 review and meta-analysis of cohort studies found that very weak evidence (“low-certainty evidence” in the authors’ words) suggested that reducing the intake of processed meat by 3 servings per week was associated with a very small reduction in overall cancer mortality over a lifetime.16

Diet Doctor: Warnings about processed meat fail the test of science


The IARC named nitrates and nitrites in processed meat as a carcinogen in 2015 using weak observational data. That controversial ruling has been questioned in recent years by many scientific researchers who argue that the carcinogen label should be reconsidered and that the current risk of cancer from nitrates or nitrites in processed meat is very small to non-existent.

The potential health benefits of nitrates/nitrites

Can eating nitrates and nitrites actually be good for you? Emerging research is saying yes.

A 2018 meta-analysis of human studies found evidence for the following beneficial effects of nitrate/nitrite consumption on cardiovascular health:17

  • reducing resting blood pressure
  • improving the function of the lining of blood vessels
  • reducing blood vessel inflammation
  • reducing the narrowing of blood vessels
  • reducing stiffness of arteries
  • reducing the risk of blood clot formation
The authors concluded that consuming dietary nitrates, or taking them as a supplement, may represent a simple strategy for improving cardiovascular disease risk factors. The benefit is thought to occur due to the conversion of nitrates/nitrites to nitric oxide.

In fact, some researchers conclude, albeit controversially, that because of their conversion to nitric oxide in the body, nitrates and nitrites should be considered nutrients, similar to vitamins.18

However, other researchers say the findings are not yet conclusive and more studies are needed to clearly discern the pros and cons of nitrates for heart health.19

Just like vitamins, researchers note the right dose is important. High amounts of nitrates could be detrimental to health, while low amounts could create a deficiency of an essential substance.20 Remember, it isn’t necessarily the nitrates and nitrites we want to avoid; rather, it is the nitrosamines into which they can be converted.

In the sports world, consuming nitrates – such as in a concentrated beetroot or spinach juice – is being researched as a performance-enhancer in several competitive fields. While results are deemed preliminary and are not all conclusive, some studies show dietary nitrates have a role in improving endurance, reducing muscle fatigue, increasing muscle contraction strength, and improving athletic performance.21


In the last decade the nitrate -> nitrite -> nitric oxide pathway increasingly is considered beneficial to human health. The status of nitrates/nitrites is switching from potentially carcinogenic compounds to potentially beneficial nutrients, especially for cardiovascular health and muscle function. However, more conclusive research is needed.

Minimizing nitrosamine exposure

If you enjoy eating a variety of foods, you likely don’t need to avoid vegetables or processed meats just because they may contain nitrates or nitrites.

Meat producers now by law must limit the amount of nitrates and nitrites in their processed meat products. Most now add vitamin C to their products to inhibit nitrosamine formation.22

But if you are concerned about limiting your exposure to unstable and potentially damaging nitrosamines, these tips can keep nitrates from converting into nitrosamines.

  1. Watch cooking methods: Slower cooking and lower temperatures create fewer nitrosamines. Avoid charring or high-heat frying. This also reduces the production of other potentially carcinogenic compounds called heterocyclic amines.23 A study from the 1970s found that bacon cooked in a microwave had lower nitrosamine conversion than in a frying pan.24
  2. Consume vitamin C and E: It has been known for three decades that the conversion of nitrites into unstable nitrosamines is inhibited by the presence of vitamin C or other antioxidants such as vitamin E.25 While it is unclear how much this helps in the human digestive tract, eating vitamin-rich foods should be entirely safe. Low-carb foods with high amounts of vitamin C include peppers, spinach, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. Foods with high amounts of vitamin E include sunflower seeds or oil, avocado, asparagus, almonds, beet, or collard greens.
  3. Read labels: While processed meat manufacturers now have to limit the amount of synthetic nitrates/nitrites in their products and add vitamin C, if they use so-called natural sources, such as celery juice, they are allowed to label them “organic” or “no nitrate added.” These products may in fact contain more nitrate than conventional processed meat, which could ultimately increase the risk of nitrosamine formation. On the other hand, because the amount of “natural” nitrates/nitrites is harder to measure and control, these products are at risk of not inhibiting bacterial growth as effectively.26
  4. Don’t smoke or chew tobacco: What is the biggest voluntary source of nitrosamine exposure? Tobacco. Instead of worrying about nitrates converting to nitrosamines in your diet, ditch tobacco products and you will greatly reduce your exposure levels to potentially carcinogenic nitrosamines.27


    When examining the nitrate/nitrite research, advice to avoid them to reduce your risk of cancer may not hold up to closer inspection.

    Today, the average person gets most of their nitrate/nitrite intake from fresh fruit and vegetables. The amount of added nitrates in processed meats is now strictly regulated and significantly below typical levels of the 1960s and ‘70s.

    The bottom line is that you probably don’t need to worry too much about them in your diet. If you are still concerned, you can minimize your nitrosamine exposure by putting our four tips into practice.

    This guide is by Valerie Goldstein, RD with research support and editing by Anne Mullens.



What you need to know about nitrates and nitrites - the evidence

This guide is written by Valerie Goldstein, RD and was last updated on October 3, 2022. It was medically reviewed by Dr. Michael Tamber, MD on October 5, 2021 and Dr. Bret Scher, MD on October 3, 2022.

The guide contains scientific references. You can find these in the notes throughout the text, and click the links to read the peer-reviewed scientific papers. When appropriate we include a grading of the strength of the evidence, with a link to our policy on this. Our evidence-based guides are updated at least once per year to reflect and reference the latest science on the topic.

All our evidence-based health guides are written or reviewed by medical doctors who are experts on the topic. To stay unbiased we show no ads, sell no physical products, and take no money from the industry. We're fully funded by the people, via an optional membership. Most information at Diet Doctor is free forever.

Read more about our policies and work with evidence-based guides, nutritional controversies, our editorial team, and our medical review board.

Should you find any inaccuracy in this guide, please email andreas@dietdoctor.com.

  1. Nature Reviews 2008: The nitrate–nitrite–nitric oxide pathway in physiology and therapeutics [expert review, ungraded]

  2. Research suggests that these compounds can reduce blood pressure, narrowing of arteries, clot formation, and gastric ulcers, among other benefits.

    Nature Reviews 2008: The nitrate–nitrite–nitric oxide pathway in physiology and therapeutics [expert review, ungraded]

    Nutrition Review 2018: The role of inorganic nitrate and nitrite in cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human evidence. [strong evidence]

  3. Cancer Research 1983: Formation and occurrence of nitrosamines in food [expert review, ungraded]

  4. Nature Reviews 2008: The nitrate–nitrite–nitric oxide pathway in physiology and therapeutics [expert review, ungraded]

  5. Chemosphere 2018: Critical review of major sources of human exposure to N-nitrosamines [expert review, ungraded]

  6. Food and Cosmetics Toxicology 1975: The history and use of nitrate and nitrite in the curing of meat [expert review, ungraded]

  7. Chemosphere 2018: Critical review of major sources of human exposure to N-nitrosamines [expert review, ungraded]

  8. The nitrate/nitrite content of fruits and vegetables can vary greatly, even within the same type of vegetable. For example, the nitrate content in spinach can range from 71 mg to 428 mg/100g. This is caused by varying amounts of nitrogen in fertilizers, soil, air, and water, as well as by different growing, harvesting, and storage conditions.

    Nutrition Reviews 2012: Inorganic nitrate: a major player in cardiovascular health benefits of vegetables? [expert review, ungraded]

    The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009: Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits. [expert review, ungraded]

    PLOS ONE, 2020. The nitrate content of fresh and cooked vegetables and their health-related risks. [expert review, ungraded]

  9. American Journal of Public Health 1951: Survey of literature relating to infant methemoglobinemia due to nitrate-contaminated water [expert review, ungraded]

    Methemoglobinemia is a condition in which red blood cells’ ability to carry oxygen in the blood is blocked. This can deprive an infant’s tissues of oxygen, potentially leading to death. Older children and adults are not at much risk because of their larger size.

    It is now better understood that it was fecal contamination of the wells – and not so much the nitrates – that likely led to methemoglobinemia, as fecal bacteria reacted with the nitrates to form methemoglobin. Nitrate concentrations typically found in uncontaminated food and water are unlikely to cause this problem.

    Journal of Environmental Quality 2008: When does nitrate become a risk for humans? [expert review, ungraded]

    Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care 2019: Methemoglobinemia: Infants at risk [expert review, ungraded]

  10. Federal Proceedings 1976: Nitrates, nitrosamines and cancer [expert review, ungraded]

  11. Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine 1997: Approaches to cancer prevention based on an understanding of N-nitrosamine carcinogenesis [expert review, ungraded]

  12. As a reminder, nutritional epidemiology results with a risk below 2.0 are frequently found to represent statistical noise rather than true cause and effect.

    Oncotarget 2016: Association between dietary nitrate and nitrite intake and specific cancer risk: evidence from observational studies [meta-analysis of nutritional epidemiology studies with HR<2, very weak evidence]

    In contrast, the hazard ratio for cigarette smoking and lung cancer is consistently found to be more than 20, meaning people who smoke regularly over many years are 20 times more likely to develop a form of lung cancer than those who don’t.

    American Journal of Epidemiology 2018: Sex differences in risk of smoking-associated lung cancer: Results from a cohort of 600,000 Norwegians [observational study, weak evidence]

    International Journal of Cancer 2013: Cigarette smoking and lung cancer – relative risk estimates for the major histological types from a pooled analysis of case-control studies [pooled observational study, weak evidence]

  13. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2011: Healthy user and related biases in observational studies of preventive interventions: a primer for physicians. [expert review, ungraded]

  14. The following sentiment, expressed by a scientist at the University of Cambridge, was typical of the criticisms of the IARC: “There may be good evidence for there being an increased risk, but the magnitude needs to be put into perspective. In the normal run of things, around 6 in every 100 people would be expected to get bowel cancer in their lifetime. If all these 100 people ate a three-rasher (around 50g) bacon sandwich every single day of their lives, then according to this report we would expect that 18% more would get bowel cancer – which is a rise from 6 cases to 7 cases. So that’s one extra case of bowel cancer in all those 100 lifetime bacon-eaters.”

  15. Nutrients 2019. A review of the in vivo evidence investigating the role of nitrite exposure from processed meat consumption in the development of colorectal cancer. [review article; ungraded]

  16. Annals of Internal Medicine 2019: Reduction of red and processed meat intake and cancer mortality and incidence: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies [very weak evidence]

  17. Nutrition Review 2018: The role of inorganic nitrate and nitrite in cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis of human evidence. [strong evidence]

  18. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009: Food sources of nitrates and nitrites: the physiologic context for potential health benefits. [expert review, ungraded]

  19. JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports: 2019 Effectiveness of dietary inorganic nitrate for lowering blood pressure in hypertensive adults: a systematic review. [expert review, ungraded]

  20. Nutrition Research Review 2017: Dietary nitrate and blood pressure: evolution of a new nutrient? [expert review, ungraded]

  21. Frontiers in Physiology 2019. Dietary nitrate supplementation improves exercise tolerance by reducing muscle fatigue and perceptual responses. [expert review, ungraded]

    European Journal of Sports Science 2019: Potential benefits of dietary nitrate ingestion in healthy and clinical populations: A brief review [expert review, ungraded]

  22. Meat Science 2007: The use and control of nitrate and nitrite for the processing of meat products [expert review, ungraded]

  23. The Journal of Nutrition 2004: Development of a food database of nitrosamines, heterocyclic amines, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [expert database, ungraded]

  24. Journal of Food Science 1974: Effect of frying and other cooking conditions on nitrosopyrrolidine formation in bacon [lab study, very weak evidence]

  25. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1991: The preventive action of ascorbic acid on nitrosamine formation. [expert review, ungraded]

  26. Meat Science 2007: Cured meat products without direct addition of nitrate or nitrite: what are the issues? [expert review, ungraded]

  27. Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry 2016: Tobacco nitrosamines as culprits in disease: mechanisms reviewed [expert review, ungraded]